
What is a lazy property?

While looking through the webapp2 documentation online, I found information on the decorator: webapp2.cached_property

In the documentation, it says:

A decorator that converts a function into a lazy property.

My question is:

What is a lazy property?


  • It is a property decorator that gets out of the way after the first call. It allows you to auto-cache a computed value.

    The standard library @property decorator is a data descriptor object and is always called, even if there is an attribute on the instance of the same name.

    The @cached_property decorator on the other hand, only has a __get__ method, which means that it is not called if there is an attribute with the same name already present. It makes use of this by setting an attribute with the same name on the instance on the first call.

    Given a @cached_property-decorated bar method on an instance named foo, this is what happens:

    Also see the source code for the original Werkzeug implementation:

    # implementation detail: this property is implemented as non-data
    # descriptor.  non-data descriptors are only invoked if there is
    # no entry with the same name in the instance's __dict__.
    # this allows us to completely get rid of the access function call
    # overhead.  If one choses to invoke __get__ by hand the property
    # will still work as expected because the lookup logic is replicated
    # in __get__ for manual invocation.

    Note that as of Python 3.8, the standard library has a similar object, @functools.cached_property(). It's implementation is a little bit more robust, it guards against accidental re-use under a different name, produces a better error message if used on an object without a __dict__ attribute or where that object doesn't support item assignment, and is also thread-safe.