
Make a call synchronously with loopj Android Asynchronous Http Client

I'm trying to use setUseSynchronousMode on loopj to wait for results of http call before continuing in one case. I tried:

    AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler = new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
        public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] response) {
            Log.d("TEST", "Got results");

    AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();
    client.get("", responseHandler);
    Log.d("TEST", "Don't want to get here until after getting results");

But the result is:

07-11 19:48:05.631 D/TEST﹕ Don't want to get here until after getting results
07-11 19:48:05.814 D/TEST﹕ Got results

Am I misunderstanding what setUseSynchronousMode should do?


  • You should have used SyncHttpClient instead of AsyncHttpClient. setUseSynchronousMode doesn't have the desired effect for AsyncHttpClient.