
Render flux:field.inline.fal from page in content

I have defined a a FAL resource in my page template

<flux:field.inline.fal name="imageLinkboxMenu"
                             label="FAL image"

Now i want display this image in a conent element which refers to this page. I'm not able to get the page resource. I tried a

< field="tx_fed_page_flexform" table="pages" uid="{root}" as="fluxPageData">

Which only returns 1. I also tried to acces the field via v:page.resource.fal which can not work from my point of view since this does not extract the data from the XML

<v:resource.image identifier="{v:page.resources.fal(field: 'imageLinkboxMenu') -> v:iterator.extract(key: 'id') -> v:iterator.first()}" as="resources" />

Any hints for me?


  • After some trial and error I finally got it work. The trick was to add to uid of the page. So I ended up with something like

    <v:resource.image identifier="{v:page.resources.fal(field: 'imageLinkboxLogo', uid: '{root}') -> v:iterator.extract(key: 'id')}" />