I ' am developing a Worklight application , I added a Blackberry 10 Environment and I want to run my app on a Device (Q5 in my Case).
The Problem is the bar package is created but the application cannot be installed because of the failure 881 Error . I'am using BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK to create and manage the Blackberry app .
this is the generated Log :
[WARN] Failed to find debug token. If you have an existing debug token, please copy it to /Users/userName/.cordova/blackberry10debugtoken.bar. To generate a new debug token, execute the 'run' command.
[INFO] Package created: /Users/userName/Desktop/Services/platforms/blackberry10/build/simulator/bb10app.bar
[WARN] Failed to find debug token. If you have an existing debug token, please copy it to /Users/userName/.cordova/blackberry10debugtoken.bar. To generate a new debug token, execute the 'run' command.
[INFO] Package created: Services/platforms/blackberry10/build/device/bb10app.bar
[INFO] BAR packaging complete
[INFO] Sending request: INSTALL_AND_LAUNCH
[INFO] Action: Install and Launch
[INFO] File size: 18414379
[INFO] Installing Corporate_Services.testDev_te_Services72aafb38...
[INFO] Processing 18414379 bytes
[INFO] actual_dname::actual_id::actual_version::result::failure 881 no debug token found
Error says no debug token was found.
So you have to create a debugtoken.bar and deploy into your device.
I hope you have followed the IBM Worklight documentation for Environment setup.
You have to Create a debug token the following steps will help you to do.
in your BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK folder.Create a debug token for your device by using the following syntax and values for the command line options:
blackberry-debugtokenrequest -storepass {KeystorePassword} -devicepin {device PIN} {debug_token_file_name.bar}
KeystorePassword - The password you defined when you created your developer certificate.
device PIN - The PIN of the BlackBerry device on which you want to install this debug token.
Make the debug token available to the packager
Create a copy of your debug token .bar file and name it debugtoken.bar.
Move the debugtoken.bar file to the root of the BlackBerry 10 WebWorks SDK installation folder.
Install a debug token
Type the following command:
blackberry-deploy -installDebugToken {path to debug token} -device {Development IP Address} -password {device password}
After the command executes, the result::success message displays indicating that you successfully installed the debug token.
Now you can try deploying the app.