I have a JSON doc that looks like:
{ "series": [[1,2], [2,3], [3,4]] }
I'd like to parse this into a set of data types:
data Series = Series [DataPoint]
data DataPoint = DataPoint Int Int -- x and y
I'm having lots of problems trying to write the FromJSON
instance for DataPoint.
instance FromJSON DataPoint where
parseJSON (Array a) = ???
I've tried using Lens to destruct the DataPoint record, but it doesn't compile:
case a ^.. values . _Integer of -}
[x,y] -> DataPoint <$> x <*> y
_ -> mzero
That fails with this error (the first two lines I get even absent the lens trickery, just trying to create a DataPoint <$> 1 <*> 2
Couldn't match type ‘aeson-
with ‘Integer’
Expected type: (aeson-
-> Const
(aeson- I
-> Value
-> Const
Actual type: (Integer
-> Const
-> Value
-> Const
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘_Integer’
In the second argument of ‘(^..)’, namely ‘values . _Integer’
Is there a better way to do this?
Does anybody have an example of parsing arrays of values into a more detailed structure?
Aeson has an instance for list, so I think it is not necessary to deal with vectors.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Data.Aeson
data Series = Series [DataPoint]
data DataPoint = DataPoint Int Int
instance FromJSON DataPoint where
parseJSON jsn = do
[x,y] <- parseJSON jsn
return $ DataPoint x y
instance FromJSON Series where
parseJSON = \case
Object o -> (o .: "series") >>= fmap Series . parseJSON
x -> fail $ "unexpected json: " ++ show x