
Manually Get Cached Tiles in Mapsforge

I'm developing a map application with leaflet in phonegap and I am targeting android devices so I decided to use mapsforge.

I want to use MapsForge tile caching and tile rendering (from mapsforge .map files).

I just don't know what exact methods to call. Here is an old phonegap plugin written with mapsforge 0.2.4, which is no longer supported in mapsforge 0.4.x.

I want to request for tiles with x, y and z parameters to get the cached tile and if there is no available cache tile, render it and then cache it to both memory (ram) and sd card.


  • Ok, since no gentleman answered the question, I figured it out how to do it!

    I have created a new repository on github for my plugin.

    I used mapsforge 0.4.0 and phonegap 3.4.0. Here is the repository :

    I'd be happy to answer any question ;)

    EDIT: I recently wrote a blog post about Offline tile rendering using mapsforge in phonegap