
Caption above figure using knitr (LaTeX/PDF)

I would like to place the caption above the figure using knitr in texmaker. I know that this question has already been asked, and I understand that the solution suggested so far is to use:

\caption{This is a caption above the figure} 
<<a-plot, echo=FALSE>>= 

But in this way I cannot show the code (since echo=FALSE). And if I choose instead echo=TRUE, what I get is the caption, then the codes, and then the graph, which is also not what I want. What I would like to show is the code for R, (and) the graph plotted with that R code, with the caption above the graph.


  • Try using hook:

    f <- function(x, options) {
            "\\caption{", options$capT, "}\n", 
            hook_plot_tex(x, options), 
            "\n\\begin{kframe}", sep = "")
    knit_hooks$set(plot = f)
    <<a-plot, echo=TRUE, capT="cap, cap, and cap">>= 

    enter image description here