
Is it possible to restart a for loop to its first iteration?

In Objective-C, is it possible to restart to the first iteration of a for loop? I don't want to do anything with my objects until I find a "good" object, at which point I want to go back and do stuff with every object up to that good object.


bool someflag = false;
for (id object in array)
  if(object is good) 
    someflag = true;
    //restart to first object in loop

Or is there a different/better way to do what I'm trying to do?

Obviously the easy way would be to just have two separate for loops -- so if I could get a second opinion telling me that's the best way, that's just what I'll shoot for. For some reason I have a feeling there's got to be a better way, though.


  • Not with fast enumeration, no (with the exception of goto), however if you use the indexed-access approach, you could:

    NSUInteger count = [array count];
    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < count; i++)
        bool someflag = false;
        id object = array[i];
        if (isgood(object)) 
            someflag = true;
            //restart to first object in loop
            i = 0;