This question only concerns prototyping; I know it can be done with semantic grid classes via (S)CSS, but I'm referring to Zurb Foundation's unsemantic html-based grid classes.
I'm trying to do something like this – why won't it seem to work?
<div class="medium-portrait-4 medium-landscape-7">...</div>
<div class="medium-portrait-8 medium-landscape-5">...</div>
As of Zurb Foundation v5.3.0 There is no out of package class for targeting orientations directly such as you describe above.
However by employing mixins one can create a custom class that provides the desired outcome such as the following example I copied from the a similar question on the foundation site.
.class-name {
@media #{$small-only} and (orientation: portrait) {
@include grid-column(2);
@media #{$small-only} and (orientation: landscape) {
@include grid-column(4);
@media #{$medium-up} and (orientation: landscape) {
@include grid-column(6);