I am trying to figure out how to use Haskell threepenny-gui with its reactive functionality to write a program that lets
It seems I will need to use Handler
, newEvent
and register
to do the above. If someone could point me to some existing code that does something like the above that would be great.
The closest I have found is GameThing.hs
in the threepenny-gui samples
directory (but it doesn't use register
I am asking whether I should be using Handler
, newEvent
and register
--- and, if so, some clarification or example of those functions.
Also, to be clear, the big picture is:
browser --> threepenny-gui (on localhost) --> backend server (anywhere on network)
<-- <--
In other words, I need to do some IO (based on user selection) then display the results of that IO.
UPDATE: here is my solution (based on @Taldykin's response): https://github.com/haroldcarr/rdf-triple-browser/tree/master/haskell/src
Here is a piece of code. I will add description a bit later.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI
main :: IO ()
main = do
(evFillList, doFillList) <- newEvent
initialList <- valuesSupply ""
behFillList <- stepper initialList evFillList
startGUI defaultConfig $ \win -> do
list <- ul
sel <- listBox
(pure Nothing)
(pure $ \it -> UI.span # set text it)
getBody win #+ [grid [[element list, element sel]]]
setFocus $ getElement sel
on selectionChange (getElement sel) $ \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just ix -> do
items <- currentValue behFillList
let it = items !! ix
liftIO $ valuesSupply it >>= doFillList
element list #+ [li # set html it]
setFocus $ getElement sel
valuesSupply :: String -> IO [String]
valuesSupply x = return [x ++ show i | i <- [0..9]]