
How to scrape URL data from intranet site using python?

I need a Python Warrior to help me (I'm a noob)! I'm trying to scrape certain data from an intra-net site using Module urllib. However, since it is my company website that is only available to employees to view and not to the public, I think this is why I get this code:

IOError: ('http error', 401, 'Unauthorized', )

How do I come about this? It won't even read the site using

Sample code to get public site:

import urllib
import re

htmlfile = urllib.urlopen("")

htmltext =

regex = '<span id="yfs_l84_aapl">(.+?)</span>' 

pattern = re.compile(regex)

price = re.findall(pattern,htmltext)

print price


  • Try requests with requests_ntlm:

    import requests
    from requests_ntlm import HttpNtlmAuth
    r = requests.get("",auth=HttpNtlmAuth('domain\\username','password'))
        print r.text

    If you need help with any specifics of this library and can't find it in the docs, leave a comment.