
Authentication and/or HTTPS with Plack/PSGI/Poet application

I need to build a simple web-application. I decided to do it with Poet (Mason2), which uses Plack.

The application should be allowed to use only by authenticated users, so I need build some login/password functionality.

There already is a Plack module Plack::Middleware::Auth::Basic that allows using Basic user auth that makes it possible to setup to check .htpasswd or similar. But the basic authentication is not very secure; anybody can grab the login password with packet capturing or the like.

Here are 2 possible solutions:

The questions:

So, what is an relative easy way to achieve secure authentication with a Plack application?

PS: I don't care about the rest of communication. I only need secure auth that doesn't allow to grab the passwords.

PPS: https is easy with apache (and self-signed) certificate. But I have no idea how to do it with plackup (and or any other Plack based server)


  • Another more simple option is to use what's built into plackup, Starman, and Thrall:

    plackup --enable-ssl --ssl-key-file=... --ssl-cert-file=...


    starman --enable-ssl --ssl-key=... --ssl-cert=...


    thrall --enable-ssl --ssl-key-file=... --ssl-cert-file=...