
How to return JSON object with one big array as just JSON objects?

We have a function in SpookyJS that returns a JSON object that contains just one huge array of strings when a GET method is called on it in nodeJS. We'd like it to return a JSON object with the array of strings converted to an array of JSON objects.

Note: We eventually want to be able to use these objects in AngularJS if that changes anything.

Here is the function:

res.send({reviewCount: reviews.length, reviews: reviews});

Here is what it returns:

    "reviewCount": 96,
    "reviews": [
        "\nSean Steinman\nreviewed 2 weeks ago\n Fantastic Service\n",
        "\nRyan Lundell\nreviewed in the last week\n Ask for Scott!\n• • •\n"

What we'd like to return:

    "reviewCount": 96,
    "reviews": [
        {name: "Sean Steinman", date: "reviewed 2 weeks ago", review: "Fantastic Service"},
        {name: "Ryan Lundell", date: "reviewed in the last week", review:"Ask for Scott!"}

We've tried to play around with JSON.stringify(), but it just converts everything into one JSON object:

res.send({reviewCount: reviews.length, reviews: JSON.stringify(reviews)});


  • I ended up figuring it out. Here is what I did:{
           var reviewObj = {
              reviewCount: reviews.length,
              reviews: []
              //turn the string into an array           
              var review = line.split('\n');
              //add the array elements to the object
    {name: review[0], date: review[1], reviewContent: review[2]});
           this.echo('about to emit');
           this.emit("gotReviews", reviewObj);