
How do I add a custom Button inside a cell in handsontable?

I am trying to add a custom save button at the end of each row in handsontable. I am using handsontable package in laravel 4.

The button shows up like this:

enter image description here



  • I found an answer to my own question.. I used "renderer" in handsontable to render the cell into HTML

    columns: [
                        {data: "unique_no"},
                        {data: "title"},
                        {data: "subject"},
                        {data: "year"},
                        {data: "duration"},
                        {data: "color"},
                        {data: "language"},
                        {data: "synopsis"},
                        {data: "director"},
                        {data: "basic_format"},
                        {data: "created_at"},
                        {data: "updated_at"},
                        {data: "action", renderer: "html",readOnly: true}

    This is where I found it http://handsontable.com/demo/renderers_html.html#dropdown