I have an XCeed Datagrid that is filled from a DataTable. When the user doubleclicks a cell I want to be able to determine which column from which row was selected. How do I do that?
Well, it seems that asking a question succinctly is punished nowadays, I see no point at all at providing any code.
The solution is indeed (ridiculously) complicated, shame on the authors of WPF.
The solution for a standard WPF DataGrid can be found here.
I reworked this solution for the XCeed DataGridControl (in VB)
Public Class MyXAMLWindow
Private Sub grdResults_MouseDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As MouseButtonEventArgs)
'Cast the sender parameter to the XCeed DataGridControl'
Dim dg As Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid.DataGridControl = sender
'Extract the cell information to a custom CellInfo structure.'
Dim info = GetCellInfo(e.OriginalSource, dg.SelectedIndex)
'Pass the cellinfo to the ViewModel'
dg.DataContext.SelectedInfo = info
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Contructs a <see cref="CellInfo(Of String)">cellinfo</see> structure from the cell that was clicked.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="originalSource">The value of the OriginalSource property of the MouseButtonEventArgs.</param>
''' <param name="rowIndex">The index of the row on which was clicked.</param>
''' <returns><see cref="CellInfo(Of string)">cellinfo</see> object.</returns>
''' <remarks>This function uses the OriginalSource property of the MouseButtonEventArgs as a starting point.</remarks>'
Private Function GetCellInfo(originalSource As Object, rowIndex As Integer) As CellInfo(Of String)
Dim dep As DependencyObject = originalSource
Dim cellInfo = New CellInfo(Of String)
'Find the DataCell that is associated with the original source.'
While (dep IsNot Nothing) AndAlso Not (TypeOf dep Is DataCell)
dep = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dep)
End While
If dep Is Nothing Then
Return New CellInfo(Of String) With {.ColumnIndex = -1, .RowIndex = -1, .Value = String.Empty}
End If
If TypeOf dep Is DataCell Then
Dim cell As DataCell = TryCast(dep, DataCell)
cellInfo.ColumnIndex = cell.ParentColumn.Index
cellInfo.RowIndex = rowIndex
cellInfo.Value = cell.Content
End If
Return cellInfo
End Function
End Class
'A custom Structure to hold the data of the selected Cell.'
Public Structure CellInfo(Of TValue)
Public RowIndex As Integer
Public ColumnIndex As Integer
Public Value As TValue
End Structure