Anyone know how would I get started on trying to code an alternative lookup for products?
What I was hoping on doing is changing ZenCart to not only look up a product page from this:
To this as an alternative:
So that it pulls up the product page of that SOME_ID (which is stored in a seperate database attached to a product ID number).
I'm trying to find the look ups for $_GET['main_page'] but I'm running out of ideas.
So here's how I ended up doing this. As a separate file under /zencart/includes/functions/extra_functions
folder, I ended up using the following code. Essentially the script will look up the short handle in some database table and return the master_category_id
and the products_id
. Since I'm using an outside table to do the look up, a join is performed and we're limiting the result to only the first.
if(isset($_GET['ufs_card'])) {
$ufs = $_GET['ufs_card'];
// First let's "fix" the search symbol.
// Let's remove any Underscores
$ufs = strtoupper(str_replace("_", " ", $ufs));
$ufs_query = "SELECT ufs.products_id, master_categories_id FROM " . TABLE_CARDS_UFS . " ufs LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p ON ufs.products_id = p.products_id WHERE collector_no = '" . $ufs . "' LIMIT 1";
// echo $ufs_query;
$ufs_get_result = $db->Execute($ufs_query);
$ufs_id = $ufs_get_result->fields['products_id'];
$category_id = $ufs_get_result->fields['master_categories_id'];
if($ufs_id && $category_id) {
// Okay we have a valid result... Let's do a redirect.
zen_redirect(zen_href_link("product_cards_ufs_info", 'cPath=' . zen_get_generated_category_path_rev($category_id) . '&products_id=' . $ufs_id, 'NONSSL'), 307);
} else { // We didn't find a valid result... so redirect them to page not found OR homepage.
if (MISSING_PAGE_CHECK == 'Page Not Found') {
} else if (MISSING_PAGE_CHECK == 'On' || MISSING_PAGE_CHECK == 'true') {