I have successfully used ValidFormBuilder to create a safe web form. Hurray for this great tool! Now I want to use the ValidForm inside a website that is based on Twitter Bootstrap.
I would really like it I could style the ValidForm elements using the Twitter Bootstrap CSS. I can imagine this should be done by adding CSS-classes to the ValidForm-elements.
How can this be done?
More specifically:
-attribute of the <form>
element to form
to the <input>
elements? btw
and btn-default
to the <input type="submit">
element?I would like to create a form that uses the Twitter Bootstrap Forms CSS mentioned here: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#forms
Thanks in advance for your help!
To add classes btw
and btn-default
to a button:
"Button label",
// Set for example a Twitter Bootstrap class on this button
"fieldclass" => "btn btn-large"
I got this example straight from the documentation
"First name",
// Prefixing meta keys with 'field' will make sure
// this meta is applied in the <input> element instead
// of it's wrapping <div>
"fieldrole" => "example-role"
<div class="vf__optional">
<label for="first-name">First name</label>
<input type="text" value="" name="first-name" id="first-name" class="vf__string vf__text" role="autocomplete">
When you want to add a custom class to the submit element, you'll need some javascript. This will be addressed in the upcoming 4.0 release of ValidForm Builder.
Assuming you're in the correct namespace etc.:
$objForm = new ValidForm("formName", null, null, array("data" => array("role" => "cool-role")));
This should output something close to:
<form ... data-role='cool-role'>