
simplesamPHP not recognising windows live auth

I have a simplesamlphp api script which just checks if the user is logged in, then displays the attributes.

Its seems to work with a facebook idp. However microsoft keeps attempting to login.

Here is the basic code.


$as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple('wso2-sp');
if (!$as->isAuthenticated()) {
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();


Note im using a wso2 identity server (5.0.0).

The simplesamlphp example works perfect. Mine however keeps saying the following on the windows live login page.

Because you're accessing sensitive info, you need to verify your password.

I can see once i login, it redirects back to my php file, which then obviously sends it back to windows live. If i redirect back to simplesamlPHP example, it goes through first time. I really think its the api im using.

Perhaps someone has seen this before, and could advise a way to get round this.

Appreciate the help.


  • The redirect uri need to be https://[wso2 is address]/commonauth

    However i was still unable to get attributes from this service.