I'm currently working with OJS (Open Journal System) and I am developing a new plugin that shows some statistics based on articles attributes.
One of the most important attributes for me is the "status". I have observed that rejected articles have status value = 0, but this value changes on published articles depending on the reviewing process (It is often 1 or 3)
I can't find the meaning of the distinct values of this attribute, all I found on OJS documentations is a brief description about each table in the database:
But this is not enough for me. There isn't any usefull information in dbscripts/xml/ojs_schema.xml either.
Can someone explain what do the distinct values on this attribute mean, or tell me where can I find detailed information about the database structure please?
Thank you all in advance.
Ferran, the "status" constants are defined in classes/article/Article.inc.php:
// Submission status constants
define('STATUS_ARCHIVED', 0);
define('STATUS_QUEUED', 1);
// define('STATUS_SCHEDULED', 2); // #2187: Scheduling queue removed.
define('STATUS_PUBLISHED', 3);
define('STATUS_DECLINED', 4);
The publication status of the article may also be important; to determine this, you'll need to join from articles to published_articles on article_id.
A good way to see how the article status is used is to look at the queries that get submissions in various queues. See for example classes/submission/sectionEditor/SectionEditorSubmissionDAO.inc.php in the getSectionEditorSubmissionsInEditing function. For a submission to be considered "In Editing", status must be STATUS_QUEUED (=1).
The details will vary somewhat on your version of OJS, as this has evolved over the years.