
Pass list of arguments to a command in shell

If I have a list of files say file1 ... file20, how to I run a command that has the list of files as the arguments, e.g. myccommand file1 file2 ... file20?


  • If your list is in your argument vector -- that is to say, if you were started with:

    ./yourscript file1 file2 ...

    then you'd run

    mycommand "$@"

    If your list is in an array:

    mycommand "${my_list_of_files[@]}"

    If your list is in a NUL-delimited file:

    xargs -0 -- mycommand <file_with_argument_list

    If your list is in a newline-delimited file (which you should never do for filenames, since filenames can legitimately contain newlines):

    readarray -t filenames <file_with_argument_list
    mycommand "${filenames[@]}"

    If by "list", you just mean that you have a sequence of files:

    mycommand file{1..20}

    ...or, to build an array of filenames with numeric components from a range more explicitly in cases where {1..20} doesn't work (such as when 20 is a variable):

    max=20 # to demonstrate something you can't do with brace expansion
    list=( )
    for ((i=0; i<max; i++)); do
      list+=( file"$i" )
    mycommand "${list[@]}"