I started going through tutorials for Neko and I wanted to create my own trait. I've been following the documentation on neko as described here but it keeps producing errors.
To be more specific:
; Clojure code
(ns main
(:use [neko.activity :only [defactivity set-content-view!]]
[neko.threading :only [on-ui]]
[neko.ui :only [make-ui config]]
[neko.ui.traits :only [deftrait]]))
(deftrait :on-text-change
{:attributes [:on-text-change]}
[^android.widget.TextView wdg, {:keys [on-text-change]}, opts]
(.addTextChangedListener wdg (reify android.text.TextWatcher
(afterTextChanged [this _])
(beforeTextChanged [this _ _ _ _])
(onTextChanged [this, s, start, before, count]
(on-text-change (.toString s) start before count)))))
(declare ^android.widget.LinearLayout mylayout)
(def main-layout [:linear-layout {:orientation :vertical, :id-holder true}
[:edit-text {:hint "Event name" :id ::name :on-text-change (fn [text _ _ _])}]
[:edit-text {:hint "Event location" :id ::location}]])
(defactivity MainActivity
:def a
(fn [this bundle]
(set-content-view! a
(make-ui main-layout)))))
Produced Error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Couldn't find method .SetOnTextChange for argument main$fn__153) at main$eval1159$fn__160.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:4)
Did anybody experience similar problems or got an idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I forgot to mention in the documentation that after defining a trait you should also register it for the widget type.
(neko.ui.mapping/add-trait! :edit-text :on-text-change)
Thanks for pointing that out, I'm going to update the docs now.