I would like to insert some records into my DB table and using the insertgetid feature, return those results to my blade view.
$grids[] = array();
foreach($c as $key) {
$grids[] = DB::table('infile')->insertGetId(
array( 'href' => $key,
'creator_id' => $id,
'random' => substr(str_shuffle("aBcEeFgHiJkLmNoPqRstUvWxYz0123456789"),0, 9))
$name[] = array();
foreach($grids as $id){
$name = DB::table('infile')->where('id', '=', $id)->first();
return View::make('Home')->withName($name);
Blade View
@if(isset($name) && $name != '')
I'm getting this error
preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a string while replacement is an array
You can use whereIn
to make exact query. between
should work, but it's error prone, since there might be another row inserted in the meantime:
$ids = [];
foreach (..)
$ids[] = DB::table('infile')->insertGetId(...);
$data = DB::table('infile')->whereIn('id', $ids)->get();