
.NET WebSocket Client Control

I am trying to write a very simple WebSocket client with VB.NET but couldn't find a ready-to-use webSocket control.

There is one control that does exactly what I am looking for: IP*Works! WS from nSoftware, but unfortunately they charge a fortune for it.

Here is a screenshot of the demo app they provide:

enter image description here

Question: Does anyone know of a similar free/low-budget .NET control to do the same ?

Note: I have tested this demo app with VB.NET and it works flawlessly connecting to: ws://echo.websocket.org

edit: Also, I would remain interested in hearing from XOJO/RealBasic, Xamarin and LiveCode users for a similar solution that actually works with this server -> ws://echo.websocket.org


  • Ok, after a few days working on this I figured it out:

    Basically, although not easy, it is possible in any programming language I would guess.