I'm trying to combine 2 or more overlays into one overlay checkbox. I'm using leaflet layers control with mapbox.js 1.6 to toggle my overlays. It doesn't matter to me if I combine them on mapbox.com into one data layer, or if I combine separate data layers in my JS code into one overlay checkbox, but I can't seem to do either. I'm exporting MBTiles from Tilemill to my Mapbox account.
Note that it's not an option to:
You can use L.layerGroup to combine layers
var group = L.LayerGroup([layer1, layer2];
// add default layers to map
// switcher
var baseLayers = {
"My Group": group,
// more layers
// add layer groups to layer switcher control
var controlLayers = L.control.layers(baseLayers).addTo(map);
You may be interested in this thread Leaflet layer control for basemap group layers