I have been able to set up and search through some documents from a database using this tutorial:
The data field is added to every document in the indexing process started with this bash call:
$ omindex --db info --url information /mnt/data0/Information
The call indexes all the files in the dir at /mnt/data0/Information and saves it at a database named info. According to the last section in the documentation here:
According to the above documentation, you can set the fields that go into the data field of a document by editing the OmegaScript Template but I have not been able to find this template anywhere. I am hoping I can get some guidance from someone who is familiar with editing an OmegaScript to set up the data field.
I ultimately want data to have the following fields:
sample caption type
The standard ones without the url field.
OmegaScript templates are used by omega to render search results (in its web interface), and are stored in the template_dir
as mentioned in the IBM tutorial section on the Omega web interface. omindex
will have created the fields you require — that documentation also mentions that the OmegaScript command you want to extract those fields is $field{}
, which is documented along with all the OmegaScript commands.
So to just display the three fields you would want a fragment of OmegaScript something like:
Sample: $field{sample}
Caption: $field{caption}
MIME type: $field{type}
(which isn't formatted as HTML, but has the advantage of being hopefully clearer as to what is happening).