
C++ Library Include

I am relatively new to C++ and need to use a library for the first time. I was hoping someone would be able to show me how to properly [ link to / include ] the library.

The library I want to use is the ID3 v3.8.8 that can be found here: http://id3lib.sourceforge.net/

I have downloaded the Windows binaries and now just need a way to link to the library.

Files downloaded: Debug/id3lib.dll, Debug/id3lib.lib, Debug/id3lib.exp, Release/id3lib.dll, Release/id3lib.lib, Release/id3lib.exp

I am using Visual Studio 2010.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • There are several steps, and many a pitfall. If you are a rank newbie at using C++ and VC++ in particular, every step is going to require some (gasp) reading of documentation or googling.

    Good luck.