
Android - Using URI permissions with broadcast

I am trying to test whether URI permissions work with Broadcast.

The first app I have has the following code in an activity :

Intent intent = new Intent("");


The content URI is obtained from a FileProvider.

        android:grantUriPermissions="true" >
            android:resource="@xml/paths" />

 contentUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(getApplicationContext(),
                    "", /* file's path */);

 // file's path is correct - I have tested it with activity

In the app receiving the broadcast :

        android:exported="true" >

            <action android:name="" />


The receiver code - onReceive() :

Toast.makeText(context, "Bcast - received", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Uri uri = intent.getData();

if(uri != null) {

      try {

          InputStream inputStream = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);

      catch (Exception e) {

            Log.d("TEST", "Bcast - exception : " + e);

When I pass the URI as null from the first app, the broadcast reaches the receiver and I can see the toast message. However, when the URI is not null, my receiver does not even receive the broadcast.

Can anyone point out the reason for this behavior ?

Edit :

I edited the Receiver :

        android:exported="true" >

            <action android:name="" />
            <data android:mimeType="image/jpeg" />


I added the mime type. I did this based on the rule (see here)

An intent that contains both a URI and a MIME type (either explicit or 
inferable from the URI) passes the MIME type part of the test only if 
that type matches a type listed in the filter. It passes the URI 
part of the test either if its URI matches a URI in the filter or if 
it has a content: or file: URI and the filter does not specify a URI. 
In other words, a component is presumed to support content: and file: 
data if its filter lists only a MIME type.

Now I get the exception in the receiver :

D/TEST﹕ Bcast - exception : java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: 
opening provider from 
(pid=1593, uid=10055) that is not exported from uid 10059

If I try to export the FileProvider, Android throws an exception saying Providers are not allowed to be exported.

What can I do to resolve this ?


  • The reason is that you are not matching the <intent-filter>. Your <intent-filter> is only matching on the action string. You also need to qualify for your Uri, via a <data> element indicating that you support the content scheme the right MIME type.