Is it possible to execute parallel instances of iTMSTransporter. I'm executing the iTmsTransporter.cmd file with different parameters for different packages.
If I have two packages to be transported in parallel, one of them will be published while the other will fail with error saying "Cannot proceed with delivery: an existing transporter instance is currently uploading this package", In the upload error log I can see that it first gives an warning "Failed to obtain exclusive lock on token file. Please ensure the following file is not locked by another process: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.itmstransporter\UploadTokens\_vendor_identifier.itmsp.token".
Unfortunately I don't have access to apple dev forums, so please if someone can put a light on it if we can upload packages in parallel using iTMSTransporter ?
Regards, Haris
I think I've solved my problem, I guess the problem was that I was using same folder name for all the packages, I've observed that the .token file is created with the package folder name as a prefix. So when I made the package folder name unique per package, the transporter created multiple .token files for each of the transport, so no locking issue occurred this time. Earlier I thought the package folder name I was using is a special keyword and should be used as it is, which was a wrong assumption.
Regards, Haris