
Parse iOS SDK: How to run continuous query efficiently

Scenario = I have an app that allows users to message other users. I also have a button that will display that amount of new (unread) messages that the user has. The amount will be displayed on a badge icon on the tab bar at the bottom.

What I've Been Doing = This queries every 5 seconds if a new message has been posted for the current user.

- (void)queryForMessagesBadgeNumber:(NSTimer *)timer
    NSString *currentUserID = [PFUser currentUser][@"userID"];

    PFQuery *badgeQuery = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Message"];
    [badgeQuery whereKey:@"receiverID" equalTo:currentUserID];
    [badgeQuery whereKey:@"wasRead" equalTo:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
    [badgeQuery countObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(int number, NSError *error)
        if (number == 0)
             NSLog(@"No unread messages");
            [[self.tabBar.items objectAtIndex:2] setBadgeValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",number]];

Issues = This is very taxing on the "Requests Per Second" count. Parse allows for 30req/sec on freemium and just with my one phone I am using half of that with this query.

Question = Does anyone know of a more efficient way I can achieve what I am doing here?


  • Use Push notifications.

    When a user sends a message to another user, you could get the app to send the recepient a push notification. You can choose whether to display a banner or not, or simply update the badge.

    Guide is located here - Parse Push guide

    Parse push is also free to a certain amount of notifications, but a much better way than polling the DB every x amount of seconds