
Macro to field code

I currently have a Normal.dot macro that counts the amount of words in the current section:

Sub SectionWordCount()
  Dim SectionWordCount As String
  SectionWordCount = ActiveDocument.Sections _
  (Selection.Information(wdActiveEndSectionNumber)). _
MsgBox "The current section has " & SectionWordCount & " words."
End Sub

Would it be possible to link this macro to a "field code" in my document? Or make this count appear in the document using any other form of VBA voodoo?

I'm using Word 2013 on Windows 8.

Thanks again, everyone.


  • Here's how to link your variable to a field code.

    In your Word document, insert a DOCVARIABLE field inside the text. If I call this variable "wrdCount" the field code looks like this:


    Then assign the value to your document in VBA and update the field code:

     ActiveDocument.Variables("wrdCount").Value = SectionWordCount

    If you track the word count for multiple sections of the document, you will need a separate DOCVARIABLE for each section.