
PHP: URL with a quote results in backslash in GET-parameter?

If I enter the URL http://localhost/script.php?a=" into the URL bar of Chrome, where script.php is the following test code:

var_dump( $_GET );
print '<br>';
var_dump( urldecode($_GET['a']) );

The result looks like

array(1) { ["a"]=> string(2) "\"" } 
string(2) "\""

It seems that Chrome (or Apache/PHP?) is adding a backslash before the quote. The same thing happens if I use %22 instead of the quote character in the URL. It shouldn't be this way, should it?

I can't recall ever having this issue before, but this is a rather "new" (to me) install of PHP and Apache, so could it be some configuration on my installation that's causing this?


  • Try below -

    var_dump( $_GET );
    print '<br>';
    var_dump( urldecode(stripslashes($_GET['a'])));

    This is because magic_quotes is ON in your php.ini file - You can add below in php.ini , this should work.

    magic_quotes_gpc = Off
    magic_quotes_runtime = Off
    magic_quotes_sybase = Off