
How to disable selection freedrawing fabricjs

After you draw something with FreeDrawing in FabricJs, you are able to select what was drawn and move it. Is there a way to disable this selection?


  • In case you don't need any interactivity on your canvas, you can use StaticCanvas

    var canvas = this.__canvas = new fabric.StaticCanvas('c');

    Or, in case you want to disable selection only for specific objects, i.e. the last brush stroke, you can try calling the following code every time the stroke is created:

    canvas.item(0).selectable = false;

    If you need interactivity for other objects, you can also define this right after canvas initialization

    fabric.Object.prototype.selectable = false;

    all new objects will be non-selectable, unless you specify otherwise when you want to create a selectable object

    var text = new fabric.Text('Honey,\nI\'m subtle', {
        fontSize: 250,
        left: 50,
        top: 0,
        selectable: true // make this object selectable