I'm using MPVolumeView to pick airplay device for avplayer airplay playback. Is there any possible non-private API alternative for doing this, so I would be able to provide my own UI Controls for picking airplay device?
By referring to the API, I mean, that all I need is:
I know AudioToolbox framework provides some additional API to deal AudioSession, but the only way I found to reroute audio is AVAudioSession's:
- (BOOL)overrideOutputAudioPort:(AVAudioSessionPortOverride)portOverride error:(NSError **)outError`
which only allows to reroute audio to build-in speakers. Maybe there is some other way how to achieve it there? (I also did only found the way how to retrieve the name of AirplayDevice as a description of the currentAudioRoute - Get name of AirPlay device using AVPlayer)
So the precise answer to my question:
(i) It's not possible to switch audioRoutes programatically with public API except switching to build-in speakers.
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] overrideOutputAudioPort:AVAudioSessionPortOverrideSpeaker error:nil];
(ii) You can only retrieve a name of airplay-device if it's active AudioRoute. Get name of AirPlay device using AVPlayer
So the practical solution to presenting customised UI Controls for selecting airplay would be:
To customise MPVolumeView
, where you can disable volumeSlider
and customise routeButton
. However you have no other option as picking airplayDevice among list of apple-compatible wireless devices (airPlay, bluetooth, etc) in UIActionSheet
that pop ups when you tap on routeButton
, but you can observe when user will make a selection there by subscribing to audioRouteChangeNotification:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(audioRouteHasChangedNotification:) name:AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification object:[AVAudioSession sharedInstance]];
(also note that if you will plug in/out headphones, it also will trigger this notification)
If you are interested how to retrieve all available audioRoutes and switch programmatically with private API:
framework contains a private class MPAVRoutingController
, which allows you exactly that:
Class MPAVRoutingController = NSClassFromString(@"MPAVRoutingController");
Class MPAVRoute = NSClassFromString(@"MPAVRoute");
id routingController = [[MPAVRoutingController alloc] init];
NSArray* availableRoutes = [routingController performSelector:@selector(availableRoutes)];
BOOL isSwitchSuccesful = [[routingController performSelector:@selector(pickRoute:) withObject:availableRoutes.lastObject] boolValue];
(if you want to then access audioRoute info and check if it is Airplay: Detecting airplayRoute)