
IKImageView resize is blocky

I am putting an image into an IKImageView, and immediately sizing it to fit. Whenever I do this, the image originally appears at 1-1 size (huge) and then resizes down, which would be fine if the animation was smooth. However, the animation looks ... fluttery? There are big blocks, like 2 inches square, of the image that appear and shrink independently of each other. The effect is a little annoying, and almost to the level where it might give an epileptic a seizure... (I'm exaggerating a little).

Is this a bug in IKImageView? Is it a bug in the animation? Will it go away if I turn off the animation (How do I do that? setAnimates: NO doesn't seem to do anything, nor does overloading animates to return NO in my subclass...

EDIT: addedcode:

NSImage* image = [doc currentImage];
[imageView setImage: image];
[imageView zoomImageToFit: self];

This is in the app controller, so self is the application (or plugin, depending on which version I'm looking at)


  • If you tell the IKImageView to autoresize, then it won't animate the new image to the new size and the artefacts will not be a problem. The image will be sized to fit in the image view immediately.

    imageView.autoresizes = YES;