
CodeIgniter disallow URL if not in route

This is my folder structure.

|--------dashboard (folder)
|-----------projects (folder)

Now, in my route file I have the following:

$route['default_controller']  = "dashboard";

$route['dashboard/projects']        = "projects";
$route['dashboard/projects/add']    = "projects/add";

Now the problem: if I type in the url http://myproject/dashboard/projects it works AND if I type http://myproject/projects it also do I deny the second url?


  • Codeigniter URL mapping / routing works on the following process:

    So there is no setting to switch to stop it from routing to the last one...

    you must extend the Router with a custom one like so:

    in application/core/ create a file called MY_Router.php this will house your custom router, and it will look something like this:

    class My_Router extends CI_Router {
        function _parse_routes()
            // Turn the segment array into a URI string
            $uri = implode('/', $this->uri->segments);
            // Is there a literal match?  If so we're done
            if (isset($this->routes[$uri]))
                return $this->_set_request(explode('/', $this->routes[$uri]));
            // Loop through the route array looking for wild-cards
            foreach ($this->routes as $key => $val)
                // Convert wild-cards to RegEx
                $key = str_replace(':any', '.+', str_replace(':num', '[0-9]+', $key));
                // Does the RegEx match?
                if (preg_match('#^'.$key.'$#', $uri))
                    // Do we have a back-reference?
                    if (strpos($val, '$') !== FALSE AND strpos($key, '(') !== FALSE)
                        $val = preg_replace('#^'.$key.'$#', $val, $uri);
                    return $this->_set_request(explode('/', $val));
            // INSTEAD show 404..
            if (count($this->uri->segments) !== 0) {
            else {
                // If we got this far it means we didn't encounter a
                // matching route so we'll set the site default route

    the name of your class depends on what the subclass_prefix config variable is set to (by default its MY_ but you may have changed it..