
Is Mybatis supported with Spring 4.x?

I tried mybatis-spring 1.2.2 with mybatis 3.2.5 and Spring version 4.1.0.Release and it appears like it is not supported.

mybatis-spring 1.2.2 spring contains org.springframework.core.MethodParameter class however, getContainingClass() is not present.

I am getting the exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.core.MethodParameter.getContainingClass()

Any idea is I could use Mybatis with Spring 4x at all? (even ibatis seems to be unsupported)


  • Looking in the pom.xml of the Spring MyBatis here I can see that the project itself depends on Spring 3.2.9:


    So, based on that I wouldn't be surprised if I would get an exception like the one you are getting in my project and I would have to say that "no", it's not supported.