
Screenshot.png Not displaying on admin

I have installed a premium theme and changed the screenshot.png and uploaded it via ftp, upon looking at the admin panel it still display the old screenshot.png and the link it was linking was

http:// www. mysite .com/wp-content/themes/mytheme/screenshot.png

and if I directly go to the link


it shows my new screenshot but not showing on my admin panel, why does the admin panel detects the screenshot with www and if I look on my hosting file manager my theme has the new screenshot. I've tried to delete and reinstall wordpress from scratch including the theme but still doing the same thing. any thoughts?



  • It's probably cached. Try CTRL+F5 or clear browser cache and see if that helps.

    A quicker solution is to add a query arg to the end of the url, like ?refresh=1 which would make your browser think it is a different URL, even if the query arg doesn't do anything. This won't fix the original issue until your cache clears, still, but it will tell you that it is working (at least for other people who haven't seen the old version yet).