
Dynamically populated select menu on html page to be displayed on android webview without using jquery mobile

I made a web app using google apps script and deployed it on the web. The application works well on PC, but when I load it to a webview on android, the dynamically populated <select> menus are not displayed (they are empty).

I know that google caja has an issue with jquery mobile from here, so I cannot use jquery mobile.

The question is if there is a way to make that <select> menus work using only jquery or javascript? Or maybe I can do some trick in android?

Here is an example of how I populate the menu using jquery:

function addClients(clients){   //array of options from google spreadsheets.
  for (var i in clients) {

HTML part:

<select name="client" id="client" data-native-menu="true" data-role="none">
    <option> ---- Choose a client ----</option>

Android part:

WebView myWebView  = (WebView) findViewById(;
myWebView.loadUrl("--- my web app's URL here ---");
myWebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());

WebSettings webSettings = myWebView.getSettings();

Thank you in advance.


It looks kile the menu is not refreshing. At the beginning I have a built-in option:

<option> ---- Choose a client ----</option>

This option is deleted in jquery part, but then the menu is not updated, it stays empty.

I've already tried with no positive result:






  • I solved the problem. What I did is commented the line which emptied the select menu and used jquery ui for my purpose:

    function addClients(clients){   //array of options from google spreadsheets.
      //$('#client').empty(); ---------- I commented this.
      for (var i in clients) {
       // $('#client').trigger("chosen:updated"); ------- This line is also removed
    $(function() {  // And added jquery ui select menu
      $( "#client" ).selectmenu();

    This did the job. I'm not sure why though...