
How to force an empty page in a paged HTML document?

How do I force an empty page in HTML document? I have a title page, after which is forced page-break (rule below). The problem is the remaining content is appearing on the directly next page, where I'd want the title page and remaining content to be divided by 1 empty page (pictured below).


<div class=title-page">

<div class="content">
  blah blah


.title-page {
  page-break-after: always;

Expected result:

| title |
|       |
|     1 |
|       |
|       |
|     2 |
| blah  |
| blah  |
|     3 |

I realize it can be done with inserting an empty <div> between title page and the remaining content, then specyfing page-break-after: always; on it. Inserting empty div isn't too semantically correct though. Is there a way to achieve the same result using CSS only?

EDIT: In this case it could also be done with page-break-after: left;, as the first page is a left page by default. What about cases in the middle of the document, where you can't be sure if a page you're on is left or right. Or when you want to insert more than 1 emtpy page. Can it still be done with CSS?


  • A method that works on Chrome and IE, but not Firefox (version 31), is to use a pseudo-element added at the end of the first div and to specify a page break before it. To make the pseudo-element non-empty (browsers might otherwise combine the page breaks into one), insert a no-break space there:

    .title-page:after {
      display: block;
      content: "\A0";
      page-break-before: always;

    Since this does not work in Firefox, it is better to use a dummy div element. Note that this will not cause an empty page in Firefox if the element is really empty, <div></div>. Instead, put some content there that displays as blank, e.g.

    <div class="empty-page">&nbsp;</div>

    (with .empty-page { page-break-after: always; }).

    You could also add such a dummy element dynamically with JavaScript, in code triggered by the beforeprint event.