How do I determine if a model uses soft deletes in Laravel?
In the Laravel API I found the function isSoftDeleting(), but apparently that was removed from Laravel 4.2 now that it uses the SoftDeletingTrait.
How would I go about determining if a model uses soft deletes now?
If you want to check programatically whether a Model uses soft deletes you can use the PHP function class_uses
to determine if your model uses the SoftDeletingTrait
// You can use a string of the class name
$traits = class_uses('Model');
// Or you can pass an instance
$traits = class_uses($instanceOfModel);
if (in_array('SoftDeletingTrait', $traits))
// Model uses soft deletes
// You could inline this a bit
if (in_array('SoftDeletingTrait', class_uses('Model')))
// Model uses soft deletes