I'm currently using Word documents as templates where blanks have to be filled dynamically/programmatically in PwoerBuilder.
This has always worked fine until the company moves on Windows 7.
In short, the Word application is opened and made invisible.
Word.Application.Visible = false
Except that sometimes, and I don't know why, once the template is accessed, Word opens itself just as if I had double-clicked the template byself through the Explorer - but I didn't.
So, it asks whether I want to open it in read-only mode, since the application already has a handle on the file. And even if I click [Cancel] not to open the file, Word opens with no document, then the application crashes.
It reports PowerBuilder System Error 35.
Error Number 35. Error text = Error calling external object function open at line 24 in function
of objectn_cst_9999
The external object that the application is trying to call a function against is Word.
oleobject lole_word
lole_word = create oleobject
lole_word = ConnectToNewObject("Word.Application")
It may work for a few documents, and after a few, the problem comes up. This is the first time ever I meet with this issue.
I'll be glad to answer anyone's question who's trying to help.
Will, you may try setting DisplayAlerts and FeatureInstall properties on Word Application object. That hid most of word alerts for us. (The code is from C# project and may not be exactly what you need)
Word.Application.DisplayAlerts = Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone;
Word.Application.FeatureInstall = 0;
You may also try making a copy of the file before opening it to avoid accessing same .docx from different threads - if that may be the case.