I have a piece of code running on MSVC 2012:
#include <windows.h>
#include <intrin.h>
UINT64 gettime() {
try {
unsigned int ui;
return __rdtscp(&ui);
catch (...) {
return __rdtsc();
I was trying to use __rdtscp() to get the timestamp; however, on the platform where the __rdtscp() is not supported, I want to switch to __rdtsc() instead.
The above code doesn't work; the program simply crashed if the __rdtscp() is not supported (on certain VMs). So is there any way I can detect if the __rdtscp() is supported, but without crashing the program?
From MSDN for rdtscp:
To determine hardware support for this instruction, call the __cpuid intrinsic with InfoType=0x80000001 and check bit 27 of CPUInfo[3] (EDX). This bit is 1 if the instruction is supported, and 0 otherwise.