My webapp consits of a HTTP server and a WebSocket server, both running on Rails. For Websockets I am using em-websocket which I start in the initializers, like this: do do do |socket|
end if Rails.const_defined?(:Server)
This works fine when I start the server with 'rails s', but it doesn't work in detached mode ('rails s -d'). When I try to connect to the Websocket server via JS it tells me, that it is still in connecting state, so I guess something is blocking it. I also think this might be related to the threading.
I also tried starting the server with thin and unicorn, but both fail to start the Websocket Server.
Am I going against the convention here?
I just made the switch to foreman, which enables me to start multiple ruby processes with one command. You just have to add a Procfile. For deployments you can export this to various init systems, like in my case upstart.
It doesn't work for me yet, though I do think this is the way to go.