
Can Paraview read NetCDF4 (HDF5) file

I understand that Paraview can read classic NetCDF files through its VTK backend. However after several attempts I cannot make it read a NetCDF 4 file that uses the enhanced data model. I would like to use the new file format since it allows for parallel output with MPI.

I compiled one of the example C programs from http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/examples/programs/ changing the creation flag to NC_NETCDF4 and tried to open the resulting file in Paraview (v4.0.1), which I installed via the ubuntu package manager. It always tells me that "A reader (…) could not be found. Please choose one: (…) " However, none of the readers to choose from can actually read the file.

Can someone tell me if


  • The solution was to download a current version from the Kitware download site instead of the one in the ubuntu package manager. Apparently there are some installation flags set wrong in ubuntu's Paraview package.