
filenet process engine case insensitive query search

I am using VWQueueQuery class of filenet api to search a value in file property. Now the problem is that search results are case sensitive but I want case insensitive search to happen. How can I do that
Thanks in advance
P.S. Query which I am sending is some what like this:
qFilter=Status LIKE '%Open%' and WorkFlowType = 'File' and FileSubject LIKE '%test%'
vwQueueQuery = vwQueue.createQuery (sortParam, null, null, qFlag,qFilter, null, qType);


  • The answer will differ based on your database. For DB2, try to see if FileNet SQL will accept the upper keyword like this: "select FIRSTNME from db2inst1.employee where upper(FIRSTNME) like 'EVA' "
