I'd like to replace an app's current (badly busted and crufty) cURL-based (cURL command-line based!) SOAP client with suds or soap.py. Trouble is, we have to contact an MS CRM service, and therefore must use NTLM. For a variety of reasons the NTLM proxy is a bit of a pain to use, so I'm looking into python-ntlm to provide that support.
Can suds or soap.py be made to use this authentication method? If so, how? If not, any other suggestions would be fantastic.
As noted below, suds already supports python-ntlm out of the box.
Suds was fixed to support it since 0.3.8.
Sources of python-suds-0.3.9\suds\transport\https.py says:
class WindowsHttpAuthenticated(HttpAuthenticated):
Provides Windows (NTLM) http authentication.
@ivar pm: The password manager.
@ivar handler: The authentication handler.
def u2handlers(self):
# try to import ntlm support
from ntlm import HTTPNtlmAuthHandler
except ImportError:
raise Exception("Cannot import python-ntlm module")
handlers = HttpTransport.u2handlers(self)
return handlers
Try with the following snippet as described here:
from suds.transport.https import WindowsHttpAuthenticated
ntlm = WindowsHttpAuthenticated(username='xx', password='xx')
client = Client(url, transport=ntlm)