
Mule MSMQ flow gives connection refused error in Mule Studio

I'm trying to run the sample example from Mule blog for MSMQ. When I setup MSMQ as global component "Test connection" says Successful, that means MSMQ is setup. Well and good till now.. Now using the following flow to test sending a message into queue:

<msmq:config name="MSMQ" serviceAddress="machinename/localhost:9000" accessToken="XZodtPym+v6NeZs+Sr4+GK9EGdA=" rootQueueName=".\private$\msmq-demo" doc:name="MSMQ"   >
    <msmq:connection-pooling-profile initialisationPolicy="INITIALISE_ONE" exhaustedAction="WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW"/>
<flow name="testingFlow1" doc:name="testingFlow1">
    <http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="one-way" host="localhost" port="8091" doc:name="HTTP"/>
    <set-payload value="#[header:INBOUND:http.relative.path]" doc:name="Set Payload"/>
    <logger message=" Sending message: #[payload]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
    <msmq:send config-ref="MSMQ" doc:name="MSMQ"/>

When the flow hits MSMQ in console I see this error:

    INFO  2014-08-07 18:00:41,299 [[testing].testingFlow1.stage1.02] org.mule.api.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor:  Sending message: test
    ERROR 2014-08-07 18:00:42,888 [[testing].testingFlow1.stage1.02] org.mule.retry.notifiers.ConnectNotifier: Failed to connect/reconnect: Work Descriptor. Root Exception was: Connection refused: connect. Type: class
    ERROR 2014-08-07 18:00:42,894 [[testing].testingFlow1.stage1.02] org.mule.exception.DefaultMessagingExceptionStrategy:
Message               : Failed to invoke send. Message payload is of type: String
Code                  : MULE_ERROR--2
    Exception stack is:
    1. Connection refused: connect ( (null)
    2. Connection refused: connect (com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException)
    com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.URLConnectionClientHandler:148 (null)
    3. Failed to invoke send. Message payload is of type: String (org.mule.api.MessagingException)
    org.mule.modules.msmq.processors.SendMessageProcessor:198 ( 

Any help or directions is welcome! msmq-config picture for clarity: Test connection succeeds


  • The proof of the pudding is Mule not Studio: if Mule can't connect then Studio most probably can't either, but fails to report the issue.

    So you need to fix the msmq:config element until it works.

    At first glance, this serviceAddress="machinename/localhost:9000" looks highly suspicious. You should either use the actual machine name and port or localhost and port if running collocated with MSMQ.