I want to create new field in redux wordpress framework using Custom fields, but I can't find any help or example using this.
i want to create a field with a switch and text field both.
Any suggestions is most appreciated.
Lead dev of Redux here.
If you want to make a new field, then you should build an extension. We've setup two repos that will help you get started.
First: https://github.com/ReduxFramework/extension-boilerplate This is an extension boilerplate. It will help you see how to do this.
Second, is the extension loader: https://github.com/ReduxFramework/redux-extensions-loader
This will load the extension. You can also use it to overload any existing Redux fields.
Be VERY careful to load your Redux options in this order:
Otherwise Redux will be initialized before you run the extension hooks to overload/add new types. From there you just call your custom field type like you would any other field.
Good luck!