
Enlive: append a snippet in a template without parent element?

Say I have only access to <article> and child elements in my /public/articles.html file.

   <article class="clj-article">
        <h1 class="clj-title"></h1>
        <p class="clj-date"></p>
            <li class="clj-tag"></li>

How can I iterate on <article> without knowing about a parent element? (with a defsnippet in a deftemplate)

(def articles [{:title "title1"
                :date "date1"
                :tags ["tag1" "other tag1"]}
               {:title "title2"
                :date "date2"
                :tags ["tag2" "other tag2"]}])

(e/defsnippet show-articles "public/articles.html" [:.clj-article] [articles]
    (e/clone-for [a articles]
        (e/content (:title a))
        (e/content (:date a))
        (e/clone-for [t (:tags a)]
          [:.clj-tag] (e/content t))))

My snippet give the output I need, and then I want to insert it in my template (as well as other snippets in other parts of articles.html) As I don't know about .clj-article parent element, I've tried targeting it:

(e/deftemplate index "public/articles.html" []
       (e/append (show-articles articles)))

I get the output I wish, but wrapped in an other <article> and children pattern.

<article class="clj-article">
    <h1 class="clj-title"></h1>
    <p class="clj-date"></p>
    <ul class="clj-tags">
        <li class="clj-tag"></li>
    <article class="clj-article">
        <h1 class="clj-title">title1</h1>
        <p class="clj-date">date1</p>
        <ul class="clj-tags">
            <li class="clj-tag">tag1</li>
            <li class="clj-tag">other tag1</li>
    <article class="clj-article">  <h1 class="clj-title">title2</h1>
        <p class="clj-date">date2</p>
        <ul class="clj-tags">
            <li class="clj-tag">tag2</li>
            <li class="clj-tag">other tag2</li>

How can I prevent that from happening?



  • Christophe Grand had the answer in his wonderful tutorial!,-Part-3:-Simple-Transformations#whole-tag-transformations

    Instead of appending ou prepending a snippet to a parent element, overwrite the actual element by using e/substitute

    (e/deftemplate index "public/articles.html" []
           (e/substitute (show-articles articles)))