Is it possible to alter the existing OSX lock screen ? For example if I wanted to add a button above the users profile image that says "Hello World" on click.. is this possible?
The goal is to run an AppleScript when the button is clicked.
Inside here you have the ability to change the login screen images and such, but also it contains several compiled nib files abbreviated with 'LUI' which I am assuming stands for 'Locked User Interface'. I'm about to set up parallels and try to open them in Snow Leopard with xcode 3.2.6, and see if I can edit the nibs. If I'm able to accomplish this, would editing such files be in violation of their TOS?
Another possibility was running a window above it. On screen lock I can get the window above the screensaver simply by saying
[window setLevel:NSScreenSaverLevel]
but still, that doesn't overlay the login screen.
I feel like this shouldn't even be possible, but I seen something similar on the Knock to Unlock app.
Did you try to use the following line?
[window setLevel:CGShieldingWindowLevel()+1];
I'm using it to do the same as KnockToUnlock and it works like a charm. I see my window above the login screen either if I come on the login screen from the sleep mode or the screensaver.
Hope this helps.